The glorious former Admirality building of Friesland and Groningen has been home to this regional museum since 1963. Built in 1618 this building was also formally known as the ‘sea office’ and was responsible for the protection of ocean going trade by means of escort or even naval war fare.
The only remains of this period is the building itself retaining its glorious renaissance decorations. Adjoining the building is a beautiful garden with a monumental entrance to the front with the historic coat of arms of crossed anchors, wich sit magnificently above the doors arch. In the year 1645 the admirality was forced to move to Harlingen due to poor navigational tides between Dokkum and the sea, and a new sea office was opened.
The museum shows popular regional art, childrens toys of yesteryear, beautiful ceramics, a prestigious textile collection and a splendid collection of silverware. To cap it all there is a beautiful exhibition about St. Boniface, the English bisshop who came to Dokkum and was murdered in 754 ad in the neighbourhood of Dokkum.