The fields of Flanders… The Rentmeesterhoeve is located in the famous Westhoek region, between the Belgian coast and the French border. In this particular region millions of young men lost their lives during WW1…
Nowadays this region is known as one of the most beautiful regions in Flanders. In the Westhoek region they never forget about the war..This whole region was demolished…But as they are known as hard workers, the Westhoek region rose from the ashes and cities as Veurne, Poperinge and Ypres welcome thousands of tourists every year.

In Reningelst, near Ypres we found Rentmeesterhoeve, an old farm which was transformed into a beautiful B&B. This place radiates an intimacy imbued with flavors of a long gone past combined with modern comfort. All this in a very peaceful surrounding.
This is the ideal starting point (after a splendid breakfast of course) to discover the Westhoek on your bicycle where you’ll suddenly be in the middle of hop fields…Yes, hop the key ingredient of beer..And you know…Belgians know how to brew great beers !
The Rentmeesterhoeve has 4 spacious rooms for 2 to 4 persons. Each apartment is air-conditioned and consists of a sitting room, open fireplace, bathroom and shower.. Free parking is always included.

If you are looking for a peaceful and qualitful accommodation in this gorgeous region..Don’t hesitate to have a look at their website..This might be what you are looking for
De Rentmeesterhoeve
Reningelstplein 5
8970 Reningelst (Poperinge)
Phone : 0032 477 37 92 86