ARTmania Festival comes to present a wide series of concerts and alternative events organised in different areas of Sibiu. The main concerts will take place during the weekend, in line with the following structure: the main scene, „ARTmania Vampires’ Den”, will be buit up on the plant of the former Balanta Factory, while the scene on the Large Square will host concerts with free access for the broad public. At the same time, the inner courtyard of the Brukenthal Palace from the Large Square and the court of the Altemberger House of the History Museum will all host concerts with special access. Starting from this year, the ARTmania Festival searches to develop even more the story which has been born in the medieval heart of Sibiu and thus offers four stages to the music lovers.
The loyal public of the festival can hide from light in the „ARTmania Vampires’ Den”, the place which will host the concerts of a few of the very famous artists of Heavy Metal during the weekend: on Friday night the bands Rage, Eluveitie, Diary of Dreams, Wartime, Hathor and Prohod will be on stage and on Saturday evening Therion, Crematory, Riul Doamnei, Shattered Hope, Tiarra and QuantiQ will be present on the same stage. Vampires’ Den also offers to the participants video projections and reading areas, board games, tarot, make-up in line with the atmosphere of the event as well as tattoos.