Welgelegen accomodation in Friesland : more than just a place to stay

Obscure among foreigners, the Northern Netherlands can be a pleasant surprise. This sparsely inhabited region is home to some stunning historic fortifications, lovely cities, great museums and excellent water sports opportunities..

Known for its lakes and ice skating culture, Friesland has a distinct culture and its own language and traditions.

In Workum we find Welgelegen Accomodation, a stunning accomodation and location in Friesland, run by Ms Coby and her family


Cobie, tell us something more about the location of Your accomodation? Where are you located exactly ?

Welgelegen Accomodation is located between Workum and Hindeloopen, 2 lovely cities in West-Friesland. We are nearby the Ijsselmeer which is a famous spot for kitesurfers.

Here you find the authentic Dutch countryside where you can enjoy a lot of outdoor activities. Moreover, in 2018 Leeuwarden (capital city of Friesland region) will be the European capital of Culture.

Cobie what about you ? When did you start with Welgelegen? why ? 

25 year’s ago I started a small camping site with my partner, we had only 5 places available.. During the last 10 years it was growing very fast. That was the time when I started the B&B and later we built the “gipsy wagons”, wooden cabins, a treehouse and an ecological swimming pool.

My father, uncle  and friends helped me a lot but unfortunately my fater passed away…Now I have on daily basis my brother at my side.

Since 2009 a kiteboarding club is renting a place on my camping space. They are quite famous and have kiteschools all over the world. My oldest son Ryan is working with them. Kiting is his passion and so we became a family with a big passion for kiteboarding.


Tell us something more about the bed&breakfast service you are offering ?

Our B&B is in an old farmhouse in Friesian style. We have 5 rooms, all with their own identity. I used recycled material which I found on local markets. I used the Chintz off Hindeloopen which is a hand woven and painted cotton material or wood blocks printed in various flower and leaf designs. There is also a wonderful breakfast room in art deco style and a ‘Fries mediteranian” patio where you can enjoy breakfast or enjoy the sun in one of our hammock lounge chair.


What about the camping ?

Our camping site has 4 different areas where you can enjoy your tent, caravan or camper. We have various accomodations on our camping site such as “gipsy wagons”, VW bus tents and a treehouse. Every evening you can enjoy one of the pizza’s I make and on Saturday we have a ‘grill and chill’ arrangement. This contains 5 types of excellent meat from our local butcher or you can choose a veggie menu and a cold buffet. We also have a ‘Welgelegen” song (composed by my oldest son) and you can imagine all guests singing and eating around a campfire…it’s heaven on earth

And last but not least the ‘gipsy caravans’ ?

The gipsy wagons were built by family and friends. They are very cosy, feels like a small house with shower and a toilet inside. You can enjoy outdoor life at 100% because all of them have a little terrace. Every morning I am bringing fresh bread (or a full breakfast if requested) . I almost forgot to tell you but there is also always a bottle of wine waiting for you…

You have a VW bus tent ? really ?

We have 4 funny VWbus tents which can be rented including breakfast for max. 2 people. When cooking you can use our camping kitchen or order a pizza etc. Each VW bus has a mattress and a pillow.


Why is this area such a nice spot fort he kiteboarding club ?

The Ijsselmeer is a very good location to learn kitesurfing because we have flat, undeep water. Here You find one of the best kitesurfing spots in Europe. Most of the time we have enough wind fort he kitesurfing courses. When (exceptionally) there is no wind we give you a voucher to visit another KBC school.

Welgelegen has several package options for holidays in Friesland ?

Yes we have various packages available, you can find all information on our website

Any cities nearby our readers should visit ?

Leeuwarden of course but all other small villages around Friesland are splendid places, full of history, authentic and a lot of space to walk and ride a bicycle…

Open from 15 March to 31 October.

Lange Leane 11
8711 HK Workum (Friesland)

Mobile: +31(0) 61 21 53 202 (break between 12pm to 15pm).
Web : https://welgelegen-workum.nl
Video (in Dutch) : https://youtu.be/VM0LViQ-CQ8